
Captivating audiences from 3 months to 91 years old, 2+1 is a wonderfully accessible dance theatre piece about the rollercoaster-ride of early parenthood. Becoming a parent is such a profound shift in our identity, lifestyle, routine and perception, a period of such intense highs and lows. Performers Amir Giles and Tara Pilbrow navigate the fatigue, confusion, and moments of complete hysteria hand in hand. At the back of the space a washing machine spews out an endless torrent of laundry, sometimes the couple fight back….. sometimes the washing machine wins.

“A tongue in cheek, humourous look at parenthood” Marie McCluskey, Swindon Dance

“The most effective evocation of collaborative intimacy that I have ever seen” Dave Wybrow, Manager Cockpit Theatre

Audience members: “Wonderful, familiar, gently transfixing”, “beautifully choreographed and performed with consummate skill”, “Moving sensitive and profound. Highly accessible for parents and little ones”

Wild Landscape

Supported by:
Dancers' Group CA$H Fund, Shawl Anderson Dance Center

Contact at contact@tarapilbrow.com